This product, currently in development, will take the action of Mercenary Air Squadron and take it back to days of the Last Crusade – World War Two. “But there weren’t mercenaries squadrons in World War Two,” you say. “Aha!” I respond.   Many pilots were recruited as mercenaries by the various air forces involved in the … Read more

Victory by Any Means: Jovian Chronicles

VBAM: Jovian ChroniclesIt is the 23rd Century, and the Solar System is on the brink of war.

Jovian Confederation carrier groups and their elite exo-armor pilots prepare for the impending clash with CEGA, while the Venusians manipulate events from the shadows. Who will triumph? Now you can decide!

Victory by Any Means: Jovian Chronicles brings the pulse-pounding action of Dream Pod 9’s Jovian Chronicles saga together with the strategic sweep of the Victory by Any Means Campaign System.

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The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Two warring juggernauts, the Boltian Star League and the Kuissian Empire, have finally reached a peace accord after their first wearisome conflict. Unfortunately, the appearance of the Terran Union in a critical system destroyed this delicate peace in an instant, sparking the Second War which would haunt the participants for years to come. These are … Read more